revolution counter elektor april 1985 A standard revolution counter tells us only what the number of revolutions per unit of time is. It is, however, more important to know the moment (torque), because an engine develops maximum moment at a certain number of revolutions and it is then that it works at its most efficient. The natural consequence of this is the unit presented here which shows both the number of revolutions per minute and the moment. revolution counter.. . ...with torque indication Any revolution counter may be used to economize on fuel consumption, as long as you know the relation between the number of revolutions and the moment of your car. That relation for a modern petrol engine is illustrated in figure 1. This shows that the maximum moment is available at 4000 rev/min, so that the engine then works at its most efficient. The curve also shows that this particular engine is most economically used over the range 3300...4500 rev/min. The method we have devised of sh...
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