universal I/O bus - for the Commodore 64 and many other micros
A computer without an I/O (input/output) facility may be compared with a telephone without a receiver: it probably works all right, but you cannot tell. In the same way, a computer can only be used properly when it can be connected to external equipment or networks. It is for that reason that we have designed an I/O interface for the Commodore 64, but which may also be used with most other personal micros. It permits the computer to be connected to digital/analog converters, digitizers, parallel and serial interfaces, sound generators, and many more. universal I/O bus elektor may 1985 universal I/O bus For some obscure reason, connecting external equipment to a computer often causes problems. And yet, the usefulness of a micro depends primarily on the facility for using peripheral equipment. In many cases, the I/O facility is severely restricted and this acts as a brake to the inventiveness of many computer users. This void may be filled with the proposed universal I/O bus. The wo...
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