an IBM compatible micro for home construction Our prototype is built partly from the Megaboard construction kit, produced by DTC (Display Telecommunication Corpor- ation) of Dallas, Texas, USA, which is available from a number of specialist retailers. It is advisable to strictly follow the assembly instructions supplied with the Megaboard kit. In addition, note the fol- lowing points. 1)As the board is relatively expensive, it is wise to use IC sockets of prime quality. 2) A number of components are difficult to obtain; improvisation in some instances is, therefore, unavoidable. For instance, â– trimmer C8 is a two-terminal type: it may be necessary to use a three- terminal type of which one of the two rotor terminals must be cut off; â– the resistance networks may be replaced by 1/8 W resistors: in our proto- type RN was replaced by 3 x 4k7, RN2 by 5 x 4k7, RN6 by 7 x 33 Q, and RN7 by 7x33 Q. â– delay line TD2 has such a short delay time (7 ns) that we just replaced it by a wi...
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