service interval timer - warns to have your car serviced
service interval timer One hundred years ago the horseless carriage was born, and what a birth that was, for the motor car, after a timed youth, has now become an indispensable part of our modern way of life. A century of development has, of course, brought about much improvement, fortunately so, as even a short quarter-century ago there were plenty of cars needing servicing every 500 or 1000 miles. Now the service interval for many cars is 12 000 miles. Ideal though this might seem, it is not faultless. Twelve thousand miles is more than six months driving for most people and it is easy to forget whether the last service was at 16 934 or 19 364 miles. Furthermore, mileage is only one of the factors that should be taken into account in considering when a car should be serviced. The speed and temperature at which the engine is run also play an important part. A few (expensive) cars today provide the driver with an indication of how close the vehicle is to needing a service. Our cir...
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