ludus - programmable learn-and-play unit
elektor electronics november 1985 Ludus was conceived as a teaching aid in reading and writing classes, enabling the student to quickly learn, for example, the distinction between upper and lower case letters. The unit compares keyed-in given answers (yes/no or right/wrong) with previously programmed correct ones. It is therefore eminently suitable for use wherever a simple distinction between yes or no is to be made for a small outlay. ludus programmable learn-and-play unit The unit provides eight cycles of twelve questions each, that is a total of ninety-six questions. When all twelve questions in a cycle have been answered correctly, a light begins to flash. It has been found that this type of reward has a strong motivating effect on the user. The relative simplicity of the circuit limits the questions to two-choice ones which of course increases the chances of a "good guess". The answer to each question posed is given by pressing either of the two keys, L(left) or R(ight). Thi...
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