Rodents deterrent
There are a number of well-founded arguments against the use of poison to get rid of mice, rats and other rodents in and around the home. From an ecological point of view, the undesirable side effects are mainly the disturbance of the natural food chain of animals we do not wish any harm whatsoever; most poisonous substances devised to exterminate mice are, unfortunately, quite difficult to break down compounds, which may, in the end, become manifest as dangerous to our own health. The ecologically accepted method of getting rid of a population of mice is, therefore, based on the controlled introduction of such predators as cats and owls, causing a high degree of stress on part of the mice, which are then quite quick to leave the relevant premises or area. Another method of bringing about a high degree of stress is to produce a high-pitch, frequency-swept signal just above the audible range for human beings. The signal is swept rather than of constant frequency in order to prevent...
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