Motor-cycle gear indicator
This circuit provides motor-cycle riders with a gear indication to the foot-operated lever at one side of the engine block. The proposed indi- cation unit will be appreciated by those riders in the habit of forgetting which gear they have selected when attempting to drive off at traffic lights or crossroads and finding that the engine stalls because it had been switched to second gear. The circuit as shown is based on the use of two gear-lever operated, plunger or roller type microswitches, along with the neutral gear indication lamp, which is a standard item on most types of modern motor-cycle. Bistables 111-N2 and N3-N3 serve as debouncer circuits for micro- switches Si (lever down) and Sz (lever up). If either one switch is actuated, N14 or Nis will cause bistable Ni2-1113 to be set or reset; counter ICs counts up (U/D = 1) or down (U/D = 0) as a result of actuating Sz or Si respect- ively. On release of the relevant microswitch, AND simulator Di-D2-Rs supplies ICs with a clock...
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