2708 alternatives
1262708 alternatives Thanks to the development of an ever expanding range of capacious EPROMs in the 27xxx and 25xxx series, the Type 2708 has become completely obsolete. Not only is this forerunner in EPROM technology relatively hard to program, it is also expensive in view of its modest 1 Kbyte holding capacity. Moreover, it is a more and more difficult to ob- tain item, also for Elektor"s Software Service (ESS). It stands to reason that replacement of the 2708 with either the 2716 (2 Kbytes) or the 2732 (4 Kbytes) is most readily accomplished if the dif- ferences in pin functions are first taken into consideration. The pinning overview and associated table go to show quite conclusively that the replacement is no daunting task, since the former positive and negative supply pins to the 2708, 19 and 21 respectively, may be hard wired as suggested for either the 2716 or 2732. It should be noted that pin 18 (CE for the 2716 as well as the 2732) is tied to ground, while pin 20 (OE) i...
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