Car burglar alarm
14 SS"ETALARM RIO TO BC557B T2 80539 C2 oon CI D9 C3 100n RI2 D•• ICE C. M80 100 V 16V pti 52 RESET ALARM 05 C8 I=1 mmi 1°:;: car burglar alarm 491L Nunnink R13 fl 000 6V DO R8 Reg BC 547B BD 139 N1...N4=1C1=4093 N4...N8=1C2=4093 D1...011 = 1N4148 • • •• • 86407 - 1 This versatile and yet easy to build circuit may be used as an effective deterrent against criminals at- tempting to steal what you are bound to consider a highly valued and indis- pensable piece of property: your car. Extremely simple to control, the cir- cuit leaves the car owner 15 seconds to get out of the vehicle after he has set the alarm. Upon return, he de- activates it again by pressing a hid- den reset switch within 7 seconds after having opened the car door(s). Criminals who (hopefully) have not been able to locate the reset switch within the 7 second delay will regale themselves and their accomplices, if any, with a 100 seconds long, inter- mittend car horn concert which, ideally, should stop...
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