Here is a circuit that enables you to leave a boring meeting at any time you like. When you have had quite enough of the exasperating, seem- ingly endless discussions and would- be interesting speeches about trivial subjects, just fumble in your breast pocket to take out a pen or a note- book, stealthily press a relief button to activate the timer function of your VIP bleeper, and pretend to be very attentive and busy so as to be more surprised when, after 20 seconds, you are called up by a loud bleep from your very personal tracer system. Now reset the VIP bleeper by pressing the switch once more, pretend to be quite disturbed, gather your papers, and leave the meeting after having informed the chairman that your presence is urgently re- quested elsewhere. The VIP bleeper functions with only very few components, and will be operative for a whole year if powered from a 9V alkaline battery; a normal 9V battery enables use for about 230 days, so it is not even necessary to fit T 14 ...
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