8-bit DAC
17718-bit DAC This simple circuit enables computer users to generate analogue voltages under software control, which, no doubt, offers interesting possibilities for intelligent control of, for example, volume adjustment of audio equip- ment, light dimmer circuits, etc. It is also possible to write machine language algorithms for the gener- ation of several different, complex periodic output voltages, in short, to construct a computer-controlled function generator using a minimum amount of hardware. The circuit is based on the Type ZN426 digital-to-analogue converter (DAC), which is an 8-bit resolution (255-step), high conversion speed (1pis) device for direct microproces- sor interfacing. The circuit may be connected to an 8-bit output port which provides TTL or CMOS com- patible digital levels; most computers currently on the market have such a port, or the manufacturer has made provision to add one or more of these in the form of an expansion. The con- version time of the DAC ch...
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