Stepper motor control
CImom C2 TTL - 82 R3[ stepper motor control 117 EE July/August 1986 97 the various phases are driven with full and half step control, as well as for clockwise and anticlockwise con- trol. The stepper motor is arrested in the position it occupies with the STOP input. CL is the clock input: for each pulse, the motor turns one step forwards or one step backwards. Because inputs CL, STOP, CCW/CW, and F/H all are TTL com- patible, it is not difficult to connect these controls to a computer. Re- sistors Ril to R14 incl. and the associ- ated switches, enable the circuit to be manually provided with control The control of stepper motors is not simple, particularly when no specially designed control circuit is used. The Type TEA1012 is an inte- grated stepper motor controller that can cope with most if not all situ- ations. In addition to controlling the phases for whole and half steps, it alsosetsthecurrentwiththeaidof these phases. The TEA1012 was specially designed for the control of un...
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