,...‘, • - • ,„;:•• , , ‘;` ‘‘, ••...,` """ ".•,,‘•`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘" N k ■ •,.‘,•,"-"•:%‘‘: , " • ‘ V‘ In satellite television, pro- grammes are beamed up to a satellite from where they are retransmitted to serve an area (called foot- print) that is impossible to cover with a terrestrial aerial. The satellites used for this are geostationary, that is, they orbit at the same speed as the earth"s rotational velocity. This makes it possible for a re- ceiving aerial (called dish) to be firmly locked into position. Any dish within the footprint should receive good-quality sound and vision. volved. Until DBS gets well and truly off the ground, pro- gramme makers, such as Sky Channel and Thorn EMI, have turned to com- munications satellites with spare capacity that can be used to broadcast pro- grammes. The transmitters on board these satellites There are several satellites dedicated to broad- casting programmes, and these ar...
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