EE April 1986 48 PORTABLE MIXER 1 This mixer is not designed for the occasional party, where one slide control per channel will suffice. Rather; it is intended for the serious electrophonics enthusiast And quite naturally, therefore, it has all the facilities such users have come to expect Professional mixers are expected to meet a long list of special re- quirements: balanced and unbal- anced inputs and outputs; indepen- dent control of each channel for driv- ing special effects equipment and monitors; automatic setting of input sensitivity to match the signal level; multiple tone controls per channel; and many more. No wonder that such mixers are, to put it mildly, pretty ex- pensive. It is, however, possible, to build one of comparable quality at much lower cost, as described in the following pages. Modular construction The mixer is constructed from four modules. A fifth module provides the power for the entire mixer. The mono input unit is almost cer- tainly the most often use...
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