Real-time clock

EE 58 April 1986 Fig Internal organization of the Type ICM7170 chip, an all-CMOS and microprocessor compatible real- time clock (RTC) controller. 1 OSCILLATE,* CRYSTAL CISC OH OUT II 110 LOW POWER OSS REAL-TIME CLOCK A good many highly interesting computer applications will no doubt have been cancelled for lack of a programmable time keeping device. This article, however, offers a truly up-to-date RTC extension board to program dates with data! With the presentation of the univer- sal I/O bus in the May 1985 issue of Elektor Electronics, the peripheral handling capabilities of the popular C64 computer, as well as other per- sonal micros, have been consider- ably enhanced, since the I/O bus board allows a number of extension boards to be inserted in a neat and versatile arrangement. The present design enables the user to program real-time software drivers without the need for critical and cumbersome machine language wait loops. Time and data can now be read from and written to I/O ...
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