make use of the statistical methods that had grown up in epidemiology in the last 25 years. A statistical database of 900 scans has been en- tered into the system by Mr du Boulay, the team"s radiologist. The database took five years to collect, covers 22 different forms of cerebral disease, and can be extended. The system allows less ex- perienced radiologists to access sample scans of diseases and compare them with the scan of the patient being examined. To get advice from the system, the radiologist is required to describe the position and appearance of damaged tissue, and indicate the presence or absence of other signs. Based on this information, the system gives a shortlist of disease probabilities, and indicates which symptom leads to its prediction. LPS EE April 1986 66 ELECTRONICS AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL by Vic Wyman Temperature control is often the key to efficient and economic industrial production. In many pro- cess plants, for example, the temperature may need to be hel...
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