Software for the BBC computer - the META assembler
EE September 1986 SOFTWARE FOR THE BBC COMPUTER: THE META ASSEMBLER This month a short series of articles is started, in which commercially available software packages for the BBC computer will be discussed in some detail. The META software package from CRASH BAR- RIER is a cross-assembler written for the standard BBC micro with disk filing system (DFS), but not in- tended for machines in- corporating the second processor or advanced DFS options. META comes as two ROMs, one of which, the as- sembler proper, should be plugged into a high- priority expansion socket; in addition, there are two unprotected system disks, a 40 and a 80-track type. From either one of these disks datafiles (T-files) may be loaded for use as source code translation blocks specific for any one of fifteen types of mi- croprocessor. A single T-file may be used with a num- ber of processors, pro- vided these have identical instruction sets, as, for in- stance, the Motorola Types 68000 and 68008. Modular progra...
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