Indoor unit for satellite TV reception-2
EE November 1986 50 by J Er R v Terborgh INDOOR UNIT FOR SATELLITE TV RECEPTION -2 Following last month"s description of the RF board in the IDU, this article focuses on the complementary functions including baseband filtering, audio & vision processing, and the power supply. With the present board added to the RF unit, and both mounted into a neat looking enclosure, you already have a complete set-top indoor tuner, although there are still a few optional extras in the pipeline. In conclusion of this article a well- detailed alignment procedure is given, which can be carried out by anyone with only limited experience in electronics construction. More- over, no special measuring equip- ment is called for, so let"s get started again! Block diagram Fig. 10 shows that the baseband signal from the RF board is passed through an R-L-C de-emphasis sec- tion before the 0-5 MHz part of the spectrum is subsequently amplified, clamped, and output; it is both AC and DC-coupled as a CVBS (compo...
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