59 EE December 1986 ATLAS, MINERVA, CARMINAT, CARIN AND PROMETHEUS Not Greek gods but Renault"s electronic cars of the future From the closely-guarded research laboratories of Renault, first details have now been released on some of the French com- pany"s spectacular ad- vances into the cars of tomorrow"s world, where computers and microchip electronics will take over the "thinking" aspects of motoring - from actual navigation and route- finding to the timing of departure and arrival, selecting alternative routes to avoid traffic jams, and even pin- pointing the car"s location at any given time. All this has evolved into a language of its own, em- bracing words like ATLAS, CARMINAT, CARIN and PROMETHEUS - acronyms for the various research projects now in hand. The following feature pro- vides a fascinating insight into the current and future stages of "robotic" cars and motoring being de- veloped by Renault and its European associates. Project ATLAS In today"s world, communi- ...
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