Universal Control For Stepper Motors
EE 38 January 1987 UNIVERSAL CONTROL FOR STEPPER MOTORS With good quality stepper motors widely available at reasonable cost, this flexible, computer-driven, control board will make it rather hard to hold on to the belief that stepper motors are the exclusive realm of industrial electronics. If you are suspicious about "universal", just glance at the speficications Table below; if you are into industrial electronics, well... Stepper motors come in an as- tounding variety of types and sizes, and they are frequently spotted items in electronic surplus stores and on hobby venues. Sheer curiosity has prompted many a home con- structor to purchase one at a fraction of its original price. However the number of wires coming from the device, and the fact that it is often found far more difficult to get going than a simple servo motor, more often than not causes the per- plexed owner to carefully put his price possession in the junkbox, together with other "possibly useful" materials. In S...
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