Msx Extensions 4
This article presents those many owners of an MSX com- puter with an interface exten- sion board featuring ■ 32 (4 times 8) I/O lines; ■ 4 programmable timers; ■ user-definable address de- coding; ■ daisy-chained interrupt con- figuration. All of these functions have been realized on a single, car- tridge-size board which can be housed in a common music cassette box. Although the first aim of this design is to provide an interface between an MSX computer and the computer- scope, the I/O and timer car- tridge can fulfil a variety of tasks. For instance, there is the field of robotics where stepper motors are to be driven via a computer interface (see Univer- sal control for stepper motors, elsewhere is this issue). The present extension board is databus 10 control expansion control expansion address decoder cartridge address decoder parallel I/o parallel I/O timers E I/O I/O timer I/O 86125-1 also tailored to drive an MSX EPROM programmer, which will be detailed in a forth-...
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