EE 60 January 1987 SOFTWARE FOR THE BBC COMPUTER-2: THE BBC BUGGY Although this series of articles is primarily in- tended to discuss corner- cially available software packages for the BBC micro, it was deemed worthwhile to introduce the BBC Buggy and its associ- ated control programs to the many owners of a BBC home micro. Available from Econom- atics" Education Division, the Buggy is in essence a small vehicle, composed of Fischer-Technik parts, and controlled over a length of flat ribbon cable connec- ted to the standard periph- eral port on the BBC ma- chine. The principle of a steerable turtle, known from in- teractive programming languages such as LOGO, has been put into practice in the case of the Buggy, as it is a tangible vehicle rather than any kind of graphics figure moving about on the screen and programmed to make drawings by means of a set of user-definable com- mands. In principle, the Buggy is therefore but a tool in learning about struc- tured programming. How- ev...
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