EE 30 February 1987 SATELLITE TV RECEPTION: YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED by J Et R v. Terborgh With the growing interest in domestic reception of signals from geostationary TV satellites, but with many aspects of the subject still surprisingly hard to find in various publications, this article is a round-up of questions, simple ones and complicated ones, and associated answers, clear and to the point. The reception of satellite TV services is a subject encom- passing so many aspects of electronics, mechanical engin- eering, applied telecom- munications, and other fields of interest, that it is not surprising to have baffled quite a number of readers, both those who are actually in the process of building the Elektor IDU, de- scribed over the past few months, and those who take a general interest in following any publication that has something to do with the pres- ent subject-matter. But to begin with, a few points must be made expressly clear. 1. Depending on the specific aspects raise...
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