Stereo Vu-Meter
Table 1 Table 2 EE 20 March 1987 STEREO VU-METER Strictly speaking, the term vol- ume unit (VU) meter is a slightly misleading qualification for what is in essence but a volt- meter with a logarithmic scale. This observation considered, it is logical to propose the use of a VU meter for purposes other than the monitoring of, for in- stance, recording and playback levels on cassette or tape re- corders. The VU meter intro- duced in this article lends itself like no other to tailoring for in- corporation in a wide variety of chips receive all, or nearly all, the attention. The Types U2066B and U2067B from Tele- funken are typical examples of this. None the less, they are in- teresting devices referred to as low cost stereo LED scale con- trollers by the manufacturers. The following is a brief sum- mary of their essential technical characteristics: ■ extensive supply range: Ub = 5-18 V (20 V max.); ■ constant current drive for LEDs; Although primarily intended for the Mobile Stud...
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