Passive Infra-Red Detector Type Pid-11
EE 24 March 1987 DESIGN ABSTRACTS The contents of this column are based on information obtained from manufacturers in the electronics industry, or their representatives, and do not imply practical experience by Elektor Electronics or its consultants. PASSIVE INFRA-RED DETECTOR TYPE PID-11 The Siemens Type PID-11 infra- red detector is manufactured from heat sensitive polyvinyl- edendifluoride-PVDF-with all necessary optical and elec- tronic elements on board. Passive infra-red detectors are particularly suitable for observ- ing heat emanating from mam- mals and converting this into an electrical signal-see Fig. 1. They are normally used for the detection of movement (which gives rise to temperature dif- ferences) and are thus ideal sensors in intruder alarms. Although PVDF-which has only been commercially avail- able since the 1970s-has not such a wide range of operating temperatures as other types of material used in heat sensors, such as lithium tantalum oxide, it is m...
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