Msx Extensions - 5: Eprom Programmer (1)
:Earch 1987 MSX EXTENSIONS - 5: EPROM PROGRAMMER (1) This two-part article describes an advanced EPROM programmer intended to work with an MSX home computer. Fully supported by a tailored software package, this peripheral programmer enables MSX users to read, program and copy EPROMs with a capacity of 2 up to 64 Kbytes. Many of the world"s leading semiconductor manufacturers ostentatiously partake in the apparently unending race toward the design of ever faster and more capacious types of EPROM (Erasable Program- mable Read Only Memory). In- teresting as any new device in the series may be, most of us will only consider its practical use in, say, a microprocessor- based system if 1.the one-off price of the de- vice is acceptable; 2.the device operates from a single 5 V supply; 3.the device contents can be erased conveniently with the aid of an ultra-violet (UV) light source; 4.the pin-out of the device is in line with that of its prede- cessors. EPROMs nowadays come in a wide vari...
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