Midi Signal Redistribution
EE May 1987 MIDI SIGNAL REDISTRIBUTION by M Eller A versatile signal redistribution unit that facilitates interconnecting MIDI compatible instruments and control ancillaries in complex configurations. The introduction and general acceptance of the MIDI stan- dard have been an important in- centive for owners of personal micros to process musical data from electronic musical instru- ments with the aid of a micro- processor. The standard MIDI interface operates on the basis of a straightforward set of musical parameters. Playing a note, for instance, entails a 3-byte command: the KEY ON code indicates the beginning of a note, but also specifies the relevant MIDI channel num- ber; the KEY NUMBER code specifies the number of the note on a virtual keyboard, whose keys are numered from 0 to 127 (low to high); the VEL- OCITY code, finally, carries information on the dynamic characteristics of the played note, which can be stopped on the instrument by once more sending the above 3 bytes, ...
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