Measurements Of Ventricular Distances By Using Ultrasonic Techniques
Measurements Of Ventricular Distances By Using Ultrasonic Techniques
ptember 1987 Measurements of ventricular distances by using ultrasonic techniques by Baki Koyuncu (Physics Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait) A well known technique was used to determine the external dimensions of the heart on any one of its cross-sectional planes under clinical conditions. The circuit described here used sound radiation in liquid and biological media. Sound was transmitted and received by two PZT-4 transducers placed on opposite sides of the sample heart. The time taken by sound to travel through the medium at a known speed V, was measured electronically. The distance between two transducers was calculated from d = Vxt. Under clinical conditions, measurements of distances be- tween surface points of a heart are required. This information is coupled with pressure, blood flow, muscle contraction, etc and contributes towards the di- agnostic picture of the heart. Numerous techniques (1.3) with implanted radio-opaque markers have been used to assess global cardia...
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