Ssb Adapter
EE 46 October 1987 A low-cost add-on unit that enables single-sideband reception on virtually any AM short-wave receiver. Every experienced short-wave listener knows that single side- band (SSB) transmissions can not be received unless a special detector is installed in the receiver. Unfortunately, however, an SW receiver suitable for SSB reception is generally far more expensive than an AM/FM general cover- age, radio set having adequate sensitivity and selectivity. To the dedicated SW listener, amateur and utility stations transmitting SSB signals are often more interesting than (broadcast) AM stations in view of their uniqueness, and the larger distance covered. SSB transmitters are more economi- cal than AM transmitters as regards bandwidth and power consumption, due to the ab- sence of the carrier and the second sideband. Carriers and sidebands It can be shown that the RF power contained in the carrier and one sideband of an AM modulated RF signal is redun- dant, because it i...
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