Test & Measuring Equipment Part 8: Function Generators (2)
30 EE August19 8 T E S T 8 & Global Type 2002 Global Specialties, a member of the American-owned Interplex Electronics Group, manufacture and retail a large variety of electronic test equipment, in- cluding oscilloscopes, power supplies, signal sources, and frequency counters. The Type 2002 Function Generator is one of a range of signal sources that ex- tends from a portable 150 kHz gener- ator, the Type 555, to a synthesized IEEE programmable generator, the Type 8230. The design of the 2002 is fairly typical in both layout and size. An integral one- position stand enables the 2002 to be op- erated at an optimum angle when the in- strument is not stacked. The stand is of man-made fibre but should be rugged enough for operation in most environ- ments. The 2002 uses an external a.c. adaptor which is connected to the generator by a 5-pin DIN plug. This somewhat unusual feature would not be an inconvenience if it offered the benefit of (optional) bat- tery operation. The adaptor is se...
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