Intelligent Time Standard
a ry 1988 INTELLIGENT TIME STANDARD This advanced central clock processes the time signals supplied by the DCF77 receiver described last month. The microprocessor controlled instrument is menu-driven, and has many useful options for control, time indication, and read-out. Ticking at atomic accuracy, and providing a precise 10 MHz reference signal, this laboratory grade instrument enables central timekeeping for a wide range of equipment, and can be operated as a BASIC computer also. Intelligent time standard for DCF77 receiver Features: ■ Continuous display of time and date, derived from Federal Germany"s VLF time transmitter DCF77 at 77.5 kHz. ■ Alphanumerical liquid crystal display (LCD) shows time, date, instrument status, and time convention on 2 lines of 16 characters. ■ Date indication in English, French, German or Dutch. ■ Programmable sound output for 15, 30 or 60 minute chime. ■ Audible and visual warning of impaired reception. Last synchronization time instanta...
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