Speech Synthesis
OKI"s Real Voice Series offers a continu- ally expanding line of CMOS devices that can bring natural sounds to appli- cations in Telecommunications, Auto- matic Pagers, Telephone Answering Machines, Security Systems, Video Games, PBX Systems, Personal Com- puter Voice Interaction, Training Simulators, and many more. Instead of a constrictive lexicon of words and phrases delivered without expres- sion, system designers now have access to infinite vocabulary and tonal variety. Anything that can be recorded on tape can be recorded equally well with the MSM5218 Speech Analysis/Synthesis IC. OKI has managed to apply advanced ADPCM telephone techniques to silicon for speech synthesis. Adaptive Differen- tial Pulse Code Modulation provides a simple, low-cost system for analysis and synthesis of audio waveforms. ADPCM compresses all audio data fed into the system to 3 or 4 bits without compromis- ing the waveform. In playback, the sound is simply recalled from memory, reconstructed by the...
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