Tuneable Preamplifiers For Vhf And Uhf Tv
50 TUNEABLE PREAMPLIFIERS FOR VHF AND UHF TV The second, final, article on remote-tuned, masthead mounted, RF preamplifiers deals with high-performance aerial boosters for the VHF and UHF TV bands. These circuits give a considerable improvement in reception compared to run-of-the-mill wideband aerial boosters. Connected to a good directional aerial, they are ideal for picking up signals that are normally noisy, or impaired by cross-modulation from strong nearby transmitters. But TV DXers EE The preamplifiers described can be built by anyone with reasonable experience constructing electronic circuits. Special care has been taken in the designs to minimize the necessary work on induc- tors, while alignment is straightforward, because in most cases it only entails set- ting a direct current. The amplifiers are built on high-quality printed circuit boards available through our Readers" Services, and are tuned and powered from the master tuning/supply unit de- scribed last month. VHF p...
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