Computer-Controlled Slide Fader (2)
60 COMPUTER-CONTROLLED SLIDE FADER (2) The slide effects unit introduced last month is completed with a control program and an optional keypad that together control no fewer than sixteen slide faders. Although written for the MSX series of home computers, the BASIC program should not be too difficult to rewrite for running on almost any other micro equipped with enough parallel I/O lines for driving the slide controller board(s). EE p c88 The preparation of a smoothly running slide presentation on four or more pro- jectors is practically impossible without a design tool that enables the photogra- pher to compile his batches of slides, find attractive combinations as regards colour and intensity, and decide on the order, lamp intensity and the time a par- ticular slide is shown. Once all this has been decided on, revised, and once more verified in a trial run of the show, it is possible to store all the necessary com- mands in the computer for retrieval and automatic execution at a...
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