30 EE June 1988 I/0 EXTENSION CARD FOR IBM PCs AND COMPATIBLES N` & \ For PC users bothered by the restrictions of the single parallel and serial I/O port on the standard machine we have developed an extension card that provides just about everything when it comes to using the computer for advanced control and instrumentation purposes. I/O power for Big Blue! Critized by some for its slowness, poor graphics facilities, size and weight, but hailed by many more as a strong unify- ing force in the traditionally wildly diversified "computer scene", the IBM Personal Computer (PC) has become the de facto standard for advanced home computing. Whatever the pros and cons, sales of PCs and inexpensive com- patibles (clones) of far Eastern origin have been boosted by the massive amount of excellent software that may be copied freely, or is available at a nominal charge. For professional appli- cations, there are software packages for virtually all tasks in a modern office en- vironment, and ...
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