Computer-Generated Colour Test Chart
EE 69 September 1988 COMPUTER-GENERATED COLOUR TEST CHART For ATVers and other video enthusiasts in possession of a BBC, Electron or Archimedes computer we have developed a program that generates a test chart with resolution test blocks and selectable foreground and background colours. Although a computer can not replace a pattern generator for adjustment of con- vergence or RGB circuits in a modern colour TV, it is eminently suitable as a low-cost means of generating a steady high-resolution picture, which is often required for testing video circuits. One particularly interesting use of the com- puter as a video generator is linearity and bandwidth alignment of an ATV (amateur television) transmitter. The 1 REM ***** COMPUTER-GENERATED TEST CHART FOR BBC-B AND ELECTRON **** 2 REM eeee#####$;e44488eee# ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS 441#11Reee#4#8444411eileR 10 MODE? 20 PRINT"Black can be changed to colour by pressing the Z key" 30 PRINT 40 PRINT"White can be changed to colour by pressing th...
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