Tracking Tester
A close study of the tape tracking charac- teristics, together with signal-to-noise and frequency response measurements, is of undisputed importance for aligning audio and video tape recording equipment, and for quality assessment. Tracking errors are caused by irregular tape transport, and are manifest as frequency deviations in the played back signal. At least two standards are available for tape tracking measurements. One is the DIN standard (Deutsche Industrie Norm), which is based on a test frequency of 3150 Hz. The other standard has been defined by the CCIR (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Radio), and is based on a test frequency of 3000 Hz. The tracking tester described here supports both stand- ards by providing either test frequency at the flick of a switch. Tests and procedures A basic distinction is made between two test procedures: Speed deviations and drift This measurement requires a test cassette with a prerecorded reference signal of 3150 Hz (DIN) or 3000 Hz ...
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