Bucket Brigade Delay Line
019 BUCKET BRIGADE DELAY LINE Although bucket-brigade devices (asps) are not in the same limelight as many other components, they do exist and are used. One of them, Type MN3004, consists of 512 capacitors and switch- ing transistors. The lc is perhaps best described as an analogue ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS JULY 1989 SUPPLEMENT shift register. The capacitors are provided by the drain-gate capac- itance of the transistors. Samples of an analogue signal taken at the input appear 256 clock pulses later at the output. The clock pulses are obtained AUDIO & HI-FI 14 E) 0 0 • 0• 3 "Cl MN3004 R6 C2 87 EX3 11, A2 A1,A2 = IC3 = TL072 C13I P1 R11 VGG MN3101 VDD OX3 5 C J C12. R13 R2 111= EOM 1100n R3 R4 C3 0_09IF_F•l_e__ Shp R1 ip 10k 2 R5 R8 Al OUT2 150k RIO 68k 50k D1 CP1 CP2 OX2 100k 15V MI= 82n • 894055 - 11 GND 0 IC2 7 1N4148 oxi GND 14 24 R12 OUT1 CP1 VDD CP2 GG 2 12 C11 228 Tp7 C61 C7 C8 =I 25V 16V T187 18p from an associated ic, a type MN3101. This ic also provides a sup- ply vol...
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