Test & Measuring Equipment Part 13: Power Supplies (1)
64 EL. TEST & MEASURING EQUIPMENT Part 13: Power Supplies (1) Farnell LT30/1 Power Supply Farnell are a large and well-established electronics company who, over the years, have gained a good reputation, es- pecially in meeting the instrumentation requirements of the educational sector. Farnell has a wide range of products in its T&M range, from synthesized r.f. signal generators to low-cost oscillo- scopes. The LT30/1 is a dual 0-30 V, 1 A power supply that retails at £230 +VAT. The LT30/1 is one of a large range of power supplies that includes such units as the TSV70 which provides 0-70 V at up to 10 A output. The unit is characterized by its use of twin analogue output meters instead of the more common dual, often quad- ruple, digital meters that accompany some power supplies. Constant-voltage or constant-current operation is poss- ible, while the output is protected against overloads and short circuits. Connection to the mains is by a fixed lead. The mains input voltage may be...
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