Test & Measuring Equipment Part 14: Power Supplies (2)
58 T E S T & MEASURING EQUIPMENT Thurlby PL310 QMD Thurlby are a well-established Cam- bridgeshire based equipment manufac- turer. Their innovative product range in- cludes low-cost logic analysers and a microprocessor-controlled digital mul- timeter. The PL310 QMD is a four-mode power supply (hence QMD) that has two main outputs and features four digital meters (3.75 digit) and current meter damping. It is part of a large range of power sup- plies manufactured by Thurlby that in- cludes the low-cost LB-15 supply (4.5 -15 Vat 2 A) and the PLK series of triple output units. The PLK350K has the interesting feature of a 5 V/7 A (max) output. Compared to other similar instruments, the PL310 QMD is relatively large, which is largely brought about by the space re- quired to house the four 3.75 digit meters that monitor current and voltage on both outputs simultaneously. Operating characteristics. At 0.01% for a ±10% change in mains voltage, the line regulation should pre- sent no pro...
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