Triplet: An 80-W Hi-Fi Loudspeaker System
34 TRIPLET: AN 80-W HI-FI LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM by H. Baggott Based on SEAS drive units, the satellite-subwoofer combination described here offers a high-quality system that has a straight frequency characteristic (±3 dB) from 30 Hz to 20 kHz and can handle powers up to 80 watts. Although it is well known that the qual- ity of reproduction of an audio system depends primarily on the quality of the loudspeaker system, it remains a fact that most buyers of an audio system who have to have watch the outlay invariably economize first on the loudspeaker sys- tem. Apart from cost, the other reason that people buy too small loudspeakers is lack of space in the living room. It is, after all, a fact that a good loudspeaker system is housed in a pair of fairly large enclosures. Or is it? The TRIPLET system uses one large en- closure that houses the subwoofers and two much smaller (satellite) boxes that house the mid-frequency and tweeter units. The subwoofer box may be placed almost anywhere ...
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