Guitar Amplifier
14 INTERMEDIATE PROJECT A series of projects for the not-so-experienced constructor. Although each article will describe in detail the operation, use, construction and, where relevant, the underlying theory of the project, constructors will, none the less, require an elementary understanding and knowledge of electronic engineering. Each project in the series will be based on inexpensive and commonly available components. 4. Guitar amplifier by T. Giffard This modular guitar amplifier has features found on commercially available models well outside the financial reach of the novice or intermediate electronics enthusiast with a passion for playing the electric guitar. These features include tone control, two different fuzz units, a mixer, a level indicator and, last but not least, a cool sixty watts of output power obtained from a ready-made amplifier module. The guitar amplifier forming this. month"s Intermediate Project is a design that will give many hours of enjoyment in buildin...
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