Stereo Viewer
here, but the Plessey SL620 and SL621C ics are well proven. This list shows that there is a good home-bred range of building blocks, although I still feel that there are areas of design that have been neglected. Some of these are receiver front-end filtering for the amateur bands, local oscillator design (either upper conversion synthesis or lim- ited-range BFO conversion systems), while the required noise floor specification for VHF synthesizers is a real challenge. Conclusion As I glance through yesteryear"s copies of RSGB Bulletin, RAD COM, and others, I can not but be struck by the falling off in interest in innovative design. Can this malaise be halted? I certainly hope so. What are you going to do about it? Encryption System May Be Basis for International Standard A high security encryption system devel- oped by GEC Plessey Telecommunica- tions (GPT) for video conferencing, may provide the basis for a new international standard. Called B-Crypt, the system is selling all over...
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