Hayes-Compatible V22Bis Modem
58 APPLICATION NOTES The contents of this article are based on information obtained from manufacturers in the electronics industry, and do not imply practical experience by Elektor Electronics or its consultants, HAYES-COMPATIBLE V22bis MODEM source: Silicon Systems, Inc. The SSI73D2404 is a set of three chips from Silicon Systems Inc. that provides the data pump function required to construct a high-performance 2400bps full-duplex intelligent modem for use over the dial-up telephone network. The chip set includes operating modes compatible with CCITT V22bis, V22, V21, as well as Bell 212A and Bell 103 data communications standards. Using advanced CMOS processes that in- clude analogue, digital signal processing and switched capacitor techniques, SSI"s 73D2404 is claimed to offer excellent per- formance and a high level of functional integration in a compact three-chip set that includes one 40-pin and two 28-pin dual-in-line (DIL) packages. The chip set is ideal for use in stand- ...
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