8098 Evaluation Board
20 8098 EVALUATION BOARD by J.M. Wald Many microprocessor-based designs require, in addition to RAM and ROM or EPROM, several peripheral ics to interface to The Real World". For instance, it is often necessary to provide both an analogue-to-digital converter and a serial port. A simpler and more efficient system can be designed with the use of one of the many `microcontrollers" that combine a processor, RAM, several peripherals and even ROM or EPROM on a single chip The Intel 8096 family is a set of software- compatible 16-bit microcontrollers with an 8- or 16-bit bus. The members of the 8096 family have a powerful 16-bit CPU and a number of on-chip peripherals. The major- ity of the 16-bit bus devices can generate either 8- or 16-bit bus cycles on a cycle-by- cycle basis. The most important members of the 8096 family are: 8098 The 8-bit bus HMOS version, pack- aged in a 48-pin DIP. The 8098 has a 4-bit I/O port and a 4-channel analogue-to-digital converter. 8097BH A 16-bit bus HM...
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