The Digital Model Train Part 9: Keyboards
24 THE DIGITAL MODEL TRAIN PART 9: KEYBOARDS by T. Wigmore The keyboards used in the Elektor Electronics Digital Train System can each control eight turnouts (points) or signals or a mixture of these. They also enable other switching functions to be carried out (there are 16 impulse contacts or eight make/break contacts, depending on the decoder). In principle, any number of keyboards may be connected to the main board. In essence, the system allows signals to be controlled in two different ways, in addi- tion to the traditional one of using discrete switches. The most obvious one is with the aid of keyboards. Each of the turnouts (points) and signals then has its own switch that may be incorporated in a switchboard whose layout resembles that of the track. Each keyboard (which can not be used with the Marklin system) contains 16 switches that enable eight turnouts or sig- nals (each with two solenoids) or 16 sid- ings or loops (or seven turnouts and two sidings or loops, and so o...
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