A problem with standard logic as implemented
in the 7400 series of integrated
circuits is that, since the approach is functional,
there is a natural tendency to organize
any system into levels-a kind of nested
hierarchieal structure results. But suppose the
requirement is more unilevel and free-wheeling-suppose
true statements are chasing each
other round in a loop in a system intended to
have a use as associative memory in artificial
intelligence applications, some expressed
positively: 'all ships are intended
far use in water' and same negatively: 'no
normally conducting useful circuits are short
circuits', then any hierarchical approach to
analysing what can follow from statements
Iike these will confound the flexibility of
the system by deciding the functional pattern
of logical analysis at the outset. The
logic suggested in this article, being relational,
not functional, gets round this.
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