Educational PLC Simulation V 4.8 5 - Int. first prize
The 'Educational PLC Simulation' (EPLCS) program
simulates the use and operation 01 areal PLC
using just a PC. PLCs are digital electronic devices
wh ich are used as control units in automated systems.
The software is uselul lor anyone wanting to
learn about programming a PLC, and realising an
actual PLC device. Unlortunately, the cost 01 areal
PLC will be prohibitive to many schools and colleges.
Moreover, a PLC should be connected to
input and output devices, lorcing the user to build
an appropriate scale model to test the required
environment. Both problems may be solved at a
stroke by creating a computer program wh ich
could run on a simple PC and would simulate the
operation 01 a PLC in a virtual environment, closely
resembling the actual situation.
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