What do capacitors, electret microphones and passive infrared sensors have to do with one another? It is often interesting to go back to first principles and carry out a few experiments on the underlying phenomena. Electronics and physics belong together: and here we look at the physics behind some electronic components.First, a simple experiment: take a ceramic capacitor and apply a high voltage. Now heat it briefly to 80 or 100 degrees Celsius, and let it cool slowly, keeping the voltage applied. The capacitor is now a completely new component with astonishing properties.The voltage used must be on the limit of what the capacitor can stand: this will, depending on the capacitor, typically be anywhere from around 50 to over 500 V. Great care is required when using high voltages. Figure 1 shows an isolated high-voltage supply, which allows a voltage in the desired range to be generated. Here a kind of adjustable transformer has been constructed from two transformers. A model railway transformer (without its rectifier) can also be used. A resistor limits the current to a safe value. The contacts must still nevertheless not be touched: and the voltage across the charged capacitor is not safe and can lead to painful skin burns.
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