In recent issues we have regularly devoted attention to the DMX-512 system. Several construction projects have already been published, and more are sure to follow. An enormous number of companies that make or sell commercial DMX products can be found on the Internet. For the DIYer, though, there are not all that many DMX projects. However, there are still a few interesting designs and informative sites to be found.The DMX standard was originally intended to be used for theatre lighting systems. In the meantime, the possibilities of the system and the available equipment have been extended to the point that it can be used for much more than just controlling lights at a distance. Of course, this is not news to regular readers of Elektor Electronics, since we already published an article about the protocol in the May issue of this year. Naturally, there is a lot more that can be said about the DMX protocol than what we presented in a few pages in that issue.
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